Today’s mini blog: your Land and your Sky

I thought today to mention one very sweet beauty: a love for the place where you were born.

While being an expat and calling myself a world citizen rather than of one particular country, I must admit that I did not find in the world another place where the air would be fresher, where the water would be softer, where the landscape would be more plain so that you could see far far far over the rainbow, where there could be a sky with the clouds making marvellous shapes, where your feet feel so comfortable standing on the ground, where food tastes better, where the sea sounds like a whisper, and where it is just… home.

It’s been many years since I was born in another country; many years of travel, of being “somewhere else,” but not at the place you first saw the sun.

I keep one rule: I always respect the place you are living or staying in. Always accept the culture of the people living there prior to you, their lifestyle, and their way of thinking, and love their country like you do yours. Be as good as you can so that you can benefit from its welfare. Be respectful; be grateful for all you have and for all that place is giving you (a new experience?). Work? Better quality of life? New friends?..) be understanding, emphatic, carrying…

But there is always a feeling that I am missing something. People might call it nostalgia. Yeah, a bit… But I look at that feeling as the beauty of one kind of love (there are so many of them, and they all are so unique and enriching: Love to your parents, love to your spouse, love to your child, love to your pet, etc.), which is endless and stays in your heart forever. Something that is given to you without your choice We cannot choose where and when to be born.

It is a love that makes your heart beat faster when you know you are coming back, even for those few days that run so fast, like sand through your fingers.

It is a love that automatically does not object to any person and that is absolutely not selfish.

It is a love that will always follow you and that may bring you to tears while reminding you of itself one evening.

It is a love that makes you comfortable and, while being platonic, still gives you a feeling of safety, a feeling of coming home.

Always, forewer.

Love –







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